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TOUCHSTONE 3:  I peel back the curtain and make my performance                                                     expectations clear.



Taking the guesswork out of grading highlights touchstone three. The importance of creating, providing and utilizing thorough rubrics on all major assignments is necessary to allow students to know how their academic performance will be evaluated. In creating a rubric it is essential to identify proficiency level first and foremost. Once proficient is established it is easier for the educator to delineate approaching and not met levels as well as advanced and mastery levels of an assignment. As important as the creation of said rubrics it is vital to student success that performance rubrics are readily available to students on the introduction of an assignment. When students are armed with performance expectations in the beginning they are able to examine and know with certainty what they need to accomplish to reach proficient and hopefully mastery levels. Using performance rubrics also allows students to enter what is known as the “Goldilocks Zone” in which it is not too easy or too difficult but just right. Utilizing performance criteria and rubrics also helps students acknowledge that effort is linked to results. They can dissect that they only did these things to receive a score of ten but if they gave a small amount of more effort they may have been bumped ahead in the rubric by completing the next steps. This can be indispensable in students visualizing why they received a certain grade on an assignment and keeping with the idea that assignments are practice and we can improve with each practice they can achieve the “grade” they desire with more effort. Keeping transparency of performance expectations is where the rubber meets the road in regards to high expectations for students. Performance expectations and rubrics should be in the forefront of many conversations by the teacher in the classroom, again highlighting, reviewing and modeling expectations from the onset of a class makes expectations crystal clear down the road and in the future.



The example rubric is based on two assignments in the Goal Setting in Leadership unit of my blended learning Captains Course for eleventh and twelfth grade students selected or elected to team leadership in one of our many varsity sports at Bennett High School. The performance or skills students need to achieve scores are SMART Goal Writing, Indicators, Measures, Targets and Action Steps. The numbers indicate the following; 4-Advanced, 3-Proficient, 2-Approaching and 1-Not Met. This will allow students to see what needs to be included when setting athletic goals as individuals and teams. This rubric also identifies the effort level in writing a proper goal and explains why students receive the point value they received per performance or skill indicated.



PERFORMANCE                                     4                                                   3                                                    2                                                 1                         

                                                      The goal is specific. The                  The goal that is set                     The goal that is set is                     No evidence of a

                                                          goal is measurable;                        is missing one of                      missing two or more of             SMART goal is shown

                                                     examples of measurable                       the five basic                          the basic measures of a              or it is an action step

                                                   criteria exist. The baseline                     measures of a                                  Smart Goal.                          and it is not focused

  SMART Goal                             goal is achievable.                            SMART Goal.                                                                                on the student/athlete

        ____/4                              Mentions those involved                                                                                                                                  performance results.

                                                      with reaching goal. The

                                                    goal has a clear focus that

                                                  will result in an identifiable

                                                       outcome. The goal is  

                                                   outlined by a specific time

                                                             of completion.                                                                                                                                                                                       

                                                     Indicators connect with                  Indicators relate to the             Indicators connect rather        No indicators present or

                                                  the SMART goal. Indicators           SMART goal. Indicators are       loosely to the SMART goal.          they do not describe

  Indicators                               are  detailed, specific                      rather general in nature              Indicators may be ideas            actions connected to

        ____/4                             and describe actions that               and closely describe actions           or points of emphasis                  the SMART Goal.

                                                     lead to specific needs in                      that lead to needs in               but poorly describe actions

                                              student/athlete performance.        student/athlete performance.                 to the needs of

                                                                                                                                                                         student/Athlete performance.                                               


                                                      Carefully considered                       Measures are shown that                 Measures are listed                      No evidence of

                                               measures are shown that have            have an identifiable result         but have a non-quantifiable           measurable targets.

                                                  an identifiable result that                 that is related to indicators.              measure. There is no

  Measures                              is related to indicators.                       The measures can be                       linkable measure to

        ____/4                              The measures can be                         loosely quantified and                   student/athlete targets

                                                   quantified and tracked                     tracked through progress.                and cannot be linked

                                                through progress. Measures                Measures lack support to                   to measurable trait.

                                              support student/athlete targets          student/athlete targets and

                                                and each target has a specific                    can be linked to a

                                                           measurable trait.                                measurable trait.                                                                                                                     


                                                    Targets can be applied                               Targets can be                              Targets are general                   No targets exist.

                                                      to direct measurable                           connected to a direct                     and cannot be applied                   Targets do not

  Targets                                   outcome. Targets can                          measurable outcome.                     to direct measurable                  relate to baseline

        ____/4                        be quantified and measured.         Targets can be loosely quantified      outcomes. Targets cannot                        goal.

                                                          Targets are easily                            and measured. Targets                     be quantifiable and

                                                   identifiable and connect                           can connect with                       measured. Targets do not

                                                     with the baseline goal.                            the baseline goal.                       relate to the baseline goal.                                              


                                                 Action steps are detailed                      Action steps are present                     Action steps are basic                  No Strategies

                                                         and are with the                              and are with the loosely                     and are not needed in                     are listed.    

   Action Steps                          necessary steps in                                    related steps for                           improving the baseline

         ____/4                      improving the baseline goal.                   improving the baseline                         goal.  They do not

                                                  They identify who, what,                      goal.  They identify how                   identify components to

                                               when, where, why and how                         they will complete                          complete the action to

                                                    they will complete the                         the action to accomplish                          accomplish the

                                                  action to accomplish the                           the SMART GOAL.                                SMART GOAL. 

                                                          SMART GOAL.                                                                                                                                                                                        


                                                                                                                                                                            ____/20 Total


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