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TOUCHSTONE 6:  I interact meaningfully with every student.



The pinnacle of touchstone six recognizes how important meaning teacher-student relationships are in student achievement. Throughout discussions in OTL 502 I have constantly stated students don’t care what you know, until they know that you care. This touchstone keys on this concept that student achievement is higher when they have strong bonds with educators. All students not only need instructional support but achieve greater when emotional support is also offered by the educator. We need to care about students as individuals so we can tune in to behavior, moods and importantly needs. Personalize feedback and invite them to give you feedback on your teaching. It is necessary for educators to interact with each student daily. This can come in many forms like a welcome greeting when they enter the classroom, both verbally and non-verbal. It’s amazing how far a smile or fist bump can go in a student’s heart which makes them eager to learn in your room. Calling on students for specific questions allows them to feel value to the class and content and setting our time for interaction with each student during individual practice goes along way. Having these opportunities to have conversations with students allows you to make personal connections and really get to know them as individuals. Educators need to get to know our students outside of our classroom. Attending band performances, athletic events and play productions speak volumes to students that you care about who they are. Creating opportunities in class for students to share person talents and interests and encouraging them to link those interests to course material allows students personal ownership. The most effective teachers are humble and reveal apart of themselves to students. Modeling enthusiasm for your subject and learning as a whole is addictive and students want to partake in that energy. Safety is the first level in Maslow’s hierarchy, students need to feel safe and protected in your class, it just may be the only place they feel safe and you may be the only adult in their lives that offer this essential need to them.



An effective icebreaker application that I have used with success is a “Me” bag. The “Me” bag exercise gets to know students on a personal level with keeping things relative and timely. I can glean information to make personal conversations with students to make connections. Below is an example of the “Me” bag assignment that I generally kick off classes with, we then tend to revisit their bags throughout stages of the class and re-examine if those items are still of importance. I try to make several school wide events throughout the year. These range from sporting events, performing arts and club activities. By doing this and making sure students see me at these activities it allows for subtle conversation about things they are passionate about outside the classroom. A high five to a thespian about their performance in last night’s production has made me relevant in their lives and has controlled discipline in my classroom for decades.

Bennett Tiger Athletics

Captains Course

Ice Breaker Activity



                                                                                                         " M E "  B A G


  1. Using the brown paper bag provided to you when you stop by the athletic office, please collect 4-5 items that best describe your personality, hobbies, passions, and interests.

        **1 item must represent the people you love most

        **1 item must represent your favorite hobby or past time

        **1 item must represent a future goal you have for yourself

        **other two items are your choosing


   2.  Using Google Loom you will video yourself presenting the items in your “Me” Bag, and upload your video to the   

        Google classroom stream page.  We are using this turn in format as introductions to every captain in this remote     

        learning course.


   3.  You will have 3-4 min to present our "Me Bag".


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