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OTL502-Learning Theories and                      Models of Instruction

It Will Happen, Be Prepared.

Parents care about their student's education and child's well-being which can be extremely emotional. Many times parents will be elevated emotionally when it comes to protecting their children, which can arise some difficult situations for educators. Here are some tips on dealing with difficult situations.


  • Be prepared. Make sure your "ducks" are in a row. Have the facts, evidence of student performance, behavior, etc. prior to the meeting. The version they may get from their student is different from your version. The student has had more time to set the stage in their favor. Don't be intimidated by this, because you are prepared.

  • Seek advice. Check to see if the district has a policy on parent complaints. Also, check with veteran teachers on a family or with your administrator if you feel there is an issue.

  • Try not to be defensive. Let them know you are on the same team and that the goal is for the student to be successful and learn from every situation. Don't take a parent's emotions personally, they rarely are. 

  • Protect Yourself. Keep everything documented and on file. This cannot be stressed enough to protect you legally.

  • Bring in backup. If a situation arises where you feel threatened you may need to have a mediator. This can be an administrator or in an emergency situation a teacher down the hall. When a situation escalates it needs to be shut down and rescheduled so you can have support.

  • Maintain Confidentiality. ONLY TALK ABOUT THE STUDENT TO THE PARENT.

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