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Bennett Tiger Athletics

Social Media Guidelines

  • Be careful with how much and what kind of identifying information you post on social networking sites. It is unwise to make available information such as full date of birth, social security number, address, phone number, cell phone number, class schedule, bank account information, or any details about your daily routine. All of these can facilitate identity theft or stalking.

Remember - once posted the information becomes the property of the website.

  • Be aware that potential current and future employers and college admissions offices often access the information you place on online social networking sites. Realize that any information you post will provide an image of you to prospective employers and/or schools. The posting is considered public information.

Protect yourself by maintaining a self-image that you can be proud of years from now.

  • Do not have a false sense of security about your right to freedom of speech. Understand that freedom of speech is not unlimited.

Social networking sites are NOT a place where you can say and do whatever you want without repercussions.

  • Remember that photos once put on the social network site’s server become the property of the site. You may delete the photo from your profile, but it still stays on their server. Internet search engines like Google or Yahoo may still find that image long after you have deleted it from your profile.

Think long and hard about what type of photo you want to represent you and your values.

  • Be highly aware of your location settings on your phone and your social networking sites.

Remember if you are able to find the location of others, others are able to find your location!

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